How does the transcription service work?
Doctors dictate using a digital handheld recorder or the toll-free Katonia dictation system, using any standard telephone connection. Digital files are downloaded into a workstation with Internet access, which is then automatically transmitted to Katonia for transcription. For both telephone and digital dictations, the completed transcribed documents are returned to the same workstation. At this time, the documents may be finalized, printed, and filed.
How does the free trial work?
There are numerous objectives with a free trial. Some customers want to try a variety of services or telephone services versus handheld devices. A customized trial will be established for an appropriate length of time that will service the purpose of the customer making a good business decision to continue to work with Katonia.
What is Katonia's turnaround time?
We will provide the customer with the turnaround time (TAT) required. Standard TAT is less than 24 hours from time the dictation is received. When we work with the customer's account, each report type and the desired TAT is reviewed to ensure the customer's requirements are met.
What are templates?
Templates are the format of the transcription reports that you wish us to follow. Katonia can customize any document according to your needs. If you have a style that you wish us to follow and use, just send us the requirements and we will customize the report per your needs.
Can the customer use normals?
What is the patient list?
The patient list is the daily record of the patients seen by the physician and the voice file number corresponding to the dictation. The patient list helps ensure correct spelling of patient names and serves as a check list. It should be faxed to Katonia at the end of each business day. Katonia can provide an example patient list. Please email or call KTS at 1-800-587-5040, ext 5 for this example file.
How does Katonia get patient demographics?
There is no single answer for this question. For larger groups, integration or VPN access is a better solution. This way, Katonia has complete access and are able to deliver complete and accurate documents without interrupting the customer's daily operations.
How does Katonia get referring physician information?
It is recommended to receive an initial list with the referring doctor's contact information when we begin working with the customer's facility. Updates can be sent to us as needed. If the customer is unable to extract this information from their system, or do not have a list, Katonia has an extensive database where we access the information needed.
What level of quality and accuracy can the customer expect?
Katonia prides itself on achieving the highest accuracy available. The infrastructure is built so that the same medical transcriptionist receives a specific doctor's dictation. This allows us to deliver high-quality accuracy in a short-amount of time. For more information on the specific quality assurance process, please see the Continuous Improvement Process section.
What is the process for changes within the document?
We prefer to make the changes to the document. This way, we are informed and can improve our quality. However, we understand that some changes are minor, and that it is easier and faster for the customer to make their own changes. We will discuss this in detail before implementing the customer's account, so we all have an understanding of how to best provide the customer with quality delivery on a consistent basis, with little interruption to their practice.
How does Katonia define a line?
Katonia adheres to the AAMT standard. One line equates to 65 characters, including spaces. Footnotes, endnotes, headers and footers are part of the document and typically counted. Two or more successive spaces or tabs are counted as one character.
How does the toll-free dictation solution work?
Dictation can be accomplished using any telephone. The customer simply dials our toll-free number, and follow the few prompts (doctor ID, patient ID, and begin dictating). The voice files are immediately available on our FTP server, referencing the patient ID for easy searching. With proper authorization designed into the workflow, this audio file may be shared with other physicians immediately, in the event there is an urgent need until the transcribed report is available.
Can the customer use both the telephone and a digital recorder?
How long does it take to get the technology portion set up?
From the time of installation of software, training, testing, and questions and answers, it is best to allow approximately 30 minutes. This is for the person who will be sending and receiving the documents.
The customer has multiple locations. How would this work?
Katonia has several customers who dictate from multiple locations. Each customer comes to us with unique workflow needs. Katonia offers a variety of solutions that will support the customer's workflow and in other cases, improve their existing processes.
What is involved with getting started?
A Katonia representative will work with the customer to discuss their workflow and solutions. After determining what solution is best for the customer, an agreement is prepared, which documents the terms of the free trial and moving towards full implementation. Upon receipt of a signed agreement, we begin to go to work for the customer. The representative will orient the internal team on all details, followed by an Implementation Meeting with the customer's group (or main contact person). In this meeting, we work out all of the details of getting started (participating doctors, samples, patient demographics, referring physicians, technology set up scheduled, start date, etc.).
How do I locate a missing transcription report?
Please email or call Katonia at 1-800-587-5040, ext 2 and provide the following information:
- Your clinic's name
- Name of the physician
- Date of Service for the missing patient transcription
- Patient's name
- Voice file of corresponding dictation
How does the Survey and Assessment service work?
Katonia and the customer will identify need for survey/assessment services. Katonia will conduct a web-ex based or in person needs assessment meeting where customer's exact requirements are identified and documented through a consultative approach by Katonia. Katonia will assemble a project proposal with cost; timing and requirements documented and provide this proposal to the customer. Customer reviews and provides comments to Katonia. Katonia makes any needed adjustments. Customer accepts proposal.
What is your turnaround time?
Katonia will provide customer with the timeline associated with your project in both the Project Proposal and Statement of Work.
Can Katonia implement predefined look and feels for survey and reports?
Can Katonia provide survey and reports in a secured format?
Yes, Katonia can provide the online survey and reports using a SSL certificate - the same way online banking is handled.
How do you get respondent demographics?
There is no single answer for this question. Based on if the data can be provided to Katonia along with survey respondent's email address, this can be uploaded along with the said email address.
Demographic questions can also be asked as part of the actual survey.
Katonia can provide reporting where the results total less than 5 (or N) respondent's is not shown if this required for confidentiality purposes.
How do you send the survey to respondents?
Katonia can send out email invitations to survey respondents if the customer can provide their email address. If the customer wants to have a "pop up" survey on their website (the customer can choose to do a double opt in for respondents to agree to take the survey), we can create a "pop up" survey for their website. Katonia can also set up the survey to be a log in based survey with either a userid and/or password. Katonia can also provide a customer with a general survey link which the customer can send out in a general email or post to their website or add to a postcard/newsletter. Katonia can also provide the customer with paper based surveys for respondents to complete. The customer or Katonia (for a fee) can manage the paper survey collection and input. Data can be merged with data collected via the web. Surveys can be deployed in multiple modes such as paper and email invitation or email invitation and login.
What is the process for changes in the project?
Edits/changes to both the survey and the reporting will be handled by the standard Katonia change order process. All changes from the defined scope of the Statement of Work will be handled by the Katonia Change Order process. Scope changes can impact effort, budget, and previously agreed to implementation dates. Change Orders can effect the time, effort and subsequent cost of completing the project. Katonia and the customer's project managers will review and document the impact of any change before a Change Order is executed. Changes to the requirements will be captured and logged in a Change Request Log for review and approval.