Katonia is extremely secure. Our ftp server encrypts the customer’s files at 128-bit encryption to meet HIPAA standards while it is still in the transcription device. Therefore, the customer’s patient information is secure while audio files are transported throughout the workflow process.
In addition, Katonia uses VeriSign, the same encryption technology used of credit card transactions on the Internet. The technology is secured SSL or secure socket layer with 128-bit encryption. In order to log onto the site, it is necessary to use a unique password, which should not be shared with other people.
Dictation can be accomplished using any telephone. The customer simply dials our toll-free number, and follow the few prompts (doctor ID, patient ID, and begin dictating). The voice files are immediately available on our FTP server, referencing the patient ID for easy searching. With proper authorization designed into the workflow, this audio file may be shared with other physicians immediately, in the event there is an urgent need until the transcribed report is available.
Customers can use both the telephone and a digital recorder.
From the time of installation of software, training, testing, and questions and answers, it is best to allow approximately 30 minutes. This is for the person who will be sending and receiving the documents.
Katonia has several customers who dictate from multiple locations. Each customer comes to us with unique workflow needs. Katonia offers a variety of solutions that will support the customer’s workflow and in other cases, improve their existing processes.
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